Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hero's Journey Lesson 4

We took a week off for the Fourth, a birthday party, and visiting godparents. Now back to it!

Faith and Abby are rereading the parts of The House of the Scorpion that they read ahead to, a few weeks ago. One of the things I wanted them to learn this year is how to follow instructions in an academic setting, and to learn what they can disregard and what they need to pay attention to. It's kind of a pain in the butt to have to reread because you've forgotten the material. It's also hard to stop reading a good story because you're at the end of the week's assignment. They've never had to do things like that because I've never held them to external rules academically.

Our geography book is sure a mess! So visually noisy. We will probably just go through a world atlas and supplement with Wikipedia. Or do world history this year instead, so much more available as far as a spine. The girls have never formally gone past the Middle Ages, so we could skim a bit and skip to the Renaissance. I'm thinking it over.

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