Friday, July 31, 2015

Catch up, picture post, technology

Here are many children looking at glowing rectangles and using them to expand their minds and make the world a better place. Also me and a couple nonscreeny kids.

We are a very plugged in family. We have phones and computers aplenty, also video game consoles. We like our 0s and 1s. But we all use them in different way and almost everyone creates as much as they consume.

Bede is watching videos on the history of typography. He loves stuff like this. He's taking a break from the storyboards and animatics for his upcoming movie, "DISASTER WORLD."

Abby is coding a video game with a dragon that shoots fire (so far) in Scratch and Gloria is making a giant funhouse in Minecraft.

Faith finished her main lesson book illuminated poem. (It looks awesome - not that you can tell here.) She's watching a Normal Boots YouTuber here, about some Nintendo game. A driving passion.

And here's me, Gilbert and Dorothy,  just for fun.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Paddle-to-the-Sea Chapters 4-6

We made it to the lake and the sawmill. The kids looked in our giant atlas to see what part of the world we were talking about. It's good to have paper maps and digital. The sensory experience of running your hands on the page and measuring distance aren't the same on a screen, but the detail and other information are better on a computer. Good to have both. Then we watched a Roger Rabbit short where a sawmill figured prominently (as well as some actual videos of sawmills) so the kids could get an idea of the scale of the size and noise in a typical midcentury sawmill.

Hero's Journey Lesson 5

The girls did the reading last week (but with our exuberant houseguests here that was all) and started the writing today. Faith is having trouble with the assignment today, even though she spends hours and hours writing in first person as another character, like, all the time, so I don't know what's up with that. I suspect that it is a symptom of some other anxiety she is experiencing. Or possibly gamma rays. Whatever. Autistic teens with anxiety are tricky. Abby is done though. ADHD-PI teens aren't tricky, just either ON or OFF. Today, she was ON, which she usually is. She runs out of mental energy and flakes off, but she never has trouble actually starting.

They have selected their other project, or, well, they are supposed to have done so. We'll see. And they keep forgetting to take notes as they read, so they have to go back. That's more a feature of a really good book, I think. Which it is. HOuse of the Scorpion had a bit of a slow start but then it got going like mad. Good read.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Paddle-to-the-Sea, Chapters 1-4

Gilbert, Trixie and Gloria are all reading Paddle-to-the-Sea with me. So far, we're up to Chapter 4, just barely in the water. They all want to put a little boat in the river now.

I'll document this with photographs, of course. I think it will mesh well with OM4, which we'll be starting in about a week!

Gloria reads!

Gloria got her own Minecraft account! Her reward for learning to read, along with the reward of actually being able to read, of course. She read Little Bear straight through, having never read it before, and answered questions correctly about the plot.

Way to go, Gloria! She is delighted to no longer have to scrape by on borrowed family accounts with no creative control over her appearance, and she chose Benny (SPACESHIP!!!) from the LEGO Movie for her first character skin.

Hero's Journey Lesson 4: Essay (Compare and contrast)

Here is Faith's essay for Lesson 4.

"Write a comparative essay about the roles Tom and El Patron play in Matt's life. Do you think they are both equally dangerous to Matt?"

In Nancy Farmer’s novel House of the Scorpion, the main character, a boy named Matteo Alacrán, lives in a very sheltered environment. He mostly only interacts with the same few people and hardly ever meets anyone new. Two of these people are Tom, a boy Matt’s age, and El Patrón, the elderly drug lord whom Matt was cloned from. Matt hates Tom and loves El Patrón, however, both characters seem immoral, and even downright evil, based on what we, the readers, have seen and what other characters have said about them, and both seem quite dangerous to young Matt, and a negative influence on his life.

Both characters act charming while hiding a more despicable personality on the inside, Tom slightly more so than El Patrón. Tom acts like a sweet little boy on the surface, but underneath is a lying, evil, and all around horrible kid, attempting to drown a dog in a toilet, nailing frogs to the ground by their feet, and constantly taunting Matt with insults. He’s an “unnatural little weevil,” as Matt’s bodyguard, Tam Lin, put it. El Patrón might seem like a jolly old man at first glance, but in reality is commanding, greedy, possessive, and even slightly sadistic. He doesn’t love in the traditional sense, instead treating people like objects in his possession. “Once El Patrón decides something belongs to him, he never lets it go,” as the character Celia said.

However, there are several differences between these characters, one being in their relationships with Matt. Tom and Matt have a mutual animosity for each other, while El Patrón treats Matt as one would a prizewinning pet, even referring to him as his “little fighting cock,” and Matt seems to hold El Patrón as a sort of role model, despite other characters’ warnings about the old man. Matt also only sees El Patrón once a year, on the celebration for both of them on the elder’s birthday, while living in the same house as Tom and seeing him nearly every day. Other differences lie in their general personalities, as El Patrón only seems to care for himself, with little thought of other people at all, while Tom acts almost exclusively out of jealousy, specifically wanting all to himself the object of both his and Matt’s affection, a girl named María.

In conclusion, I believe that both Tom and El Patrón are quite dangerous to Matt, both with their behaviors influencing Matt’s and things they may do to physically harm him. However, since Tom is more active in Matt’s life, interacting with him almost every day as opposed to El Patrón’s only seeing his clone once a year, I believe that Tom would have to be the most dangerous person in Matt’s life.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hero's Journey Lesson 4 cont

They are close to done, and most importantly, having a much easier time with the essay this week than they had with lesson 1. This week is a comparison essay, their first, and they are both non-anxious and progressing smoothly.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hero's Journey Lesson 4: Part 2

Still working on Lesson 4. We got sick, probably from the visiting godparents. Next week we will have unexpected houseguests as well, so I don't expect much progress. But stilll, forward is forward.

Faith and Abby are very different in their approaches. Abby just plows through at a steady pace. Faith either gets it all done in a flash or flails about in anxiety.

Gloria read an Inch and Rolly book today.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hero's Journey Lesson 4

We took a week off for the Fourth, a birthday party, and visiting godparents. Now back to it!

Faith and Abby are rereading the parts of The House of the Scorpion that they read ahead to, a few weeks ago. One of the things I wanted them to learn this year is how to follow instructions in an academic setting, and to learn what they can disregard and what they need to pay attention to. It's kind of a pain in the butt to have to reread because you've forgotten the material. It's also hard to stop reading a good story because you're at the end of the week's assignment. They've never had to do things like that because I've never held them to external rules academically.

Our geography book is sure a mess! So visually noisy. We will probably just go through a world atlas and supplement with Wikipedia. Or do world history this year instead, so much more available as far as a spine. The girls have never formally gone past the Middle Ages, so we could skim a bit and skip to the Renaissance. I'm thinking it over.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

General update

We're progressing with Hero's Journey, still n track. We're taking this week off, planned, for the Fourth. But we've completed Week 3 with almost no stress.

Gloria is still reading. I just bought a whole slew of I Can Reads for her. She's spot-on for age.

I got Oak Meadow 4 for Gilbert and Trixie, but haven't really looked at it yet. I hope to get them started in about a month.

Abby got a Learn To Code subscription for her birthday, and plans to make a Minecraft mod soon. I'll be posting that here as well.

Faith will be reading and summarizing The Shallows, by Nicholas Carr, about how the Internet rots the brain.